Heli Attack (bojové free hra on-line)

Heli Attack - free hra on-line

Abyste mohli začít hrát, musíte nainstalovat další program: <a href="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer/" target="_blank">Flash Player</a>

Heli Attack play information
Side scrolling soldier game where you have to jump and run though each level, and shoot down the helicopters that are attacking you all the time. Sadly the soldier is poorly animated, the huge world to explore and beautifull graphics make up for this. The game scored a 3/5 rating, and will provide a few hours of action fun.

Heli Attack controls
This free game uses the mouse and the keyboard as its control. You need both to be able to play this free game.

 Více her a zábavy on-line  www.celysvet.cz

 Článek Heli attack (online flash game)  v angličtině (ENG)...
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Heli Attack
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Heli Attack
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Heli Attack
Heli Attack

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29.10: Máte-li zájem o jakékoli podrob nější informace na téma: Heli Attack, neváhe...

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